Does Nighttime sancking cause tooth decay?
Some people have an urge to grab a snack at odd times especially in the middle of the night. There are several studies that prove night time snacking can cause weight gain, increased insulin and cholesterol levels. But did you know that night time snacking can cause tooth decay? There are numerous reasons why people develop the habit of nighttime snacking. But regardless of the cause, nighttime snacking can damage your teeth and your overall health. Saliva contains antibacterial properties that prevent dangerous bacteria from causing tooth decay and gum diseases. During night time the flow or production of saliva reduces and creates a perfect condition for bacteria to thrive. Consuming food in the middle of the night can leave food particles and debris in your mouth. The bacteria in our mouth will feed on this food debris and secrete acids which will damage your enamel and cause tooth decay. So avoid nighttime snacking. Visit Expert Dental Care to get treated by Dr Sravanthi